Episode 5 - Linear Triplets
This podcast gives an introduction into how you could use some basic linear figures to create solos in the triplet rate and stresses the importance of developing your musical imagination.
This podcast gives an introduction into how you could use some basic linear figures to create solos in the triplet rate and stresses the importance of developing your musical imagination.
Introduces the linear phrasing materials that Gary developed. Shows how the linear figures can be used to create phrases in the same way stickings can, but with different results.
Describes some of the ways you can move a sticking around the set. Discusses parallel, contrary and oblique motions the hands can follow and how to work with the different parts of a sticking. Includes a second sticking idea which uses both 5 and 7 note stickings in triplets for time playing and soloing.
Demonstrates ways of using doubles for fills and solos in rock and jazz time. Introduces the 3A sticking for triplet and 16th note fills. Also includes the 5C sticking combining it with the 3A for a rock time feel.
Welcome to the world of “Patterns”! This first podcast in the series is an introduction to the materials and concepts contained in the Patterns books. It also contains information on how to develop drum set flexibility using double strokes. (A cool Latin groove using doubles is also included!)