“Every time I open Gary’s books, I discover many new and innovative ideas to add to my drum vocabulary. These materials are a must for all serious players at any level.”
Rhythm and Meter Patterns
Rhythm & Meter Patterns introduces the student to a wide range of rhythmic and metric possibilities, including odd rhythms, mixed meters, polyrhythms, and metric modulation.
Sticking Patterns
In Sticking Patterns, Gary's unique approach to the use of stickings is explored. Completely different from the rudiments, Gary's system is designed specifically for drum set performance, both for creating time feels as well as for filling and soloing. Also included are sections on accented single strokes, as well as the use of double strokes on the set.
Time Functioning Patterns
Time Functioning Patterns includes materials dealing with rock cymbal ostinatos, jazz independence, and the new linear phrasing concept that Gary developed.
Technique Patterns
In Technique Patterns, the student is challenged with a variety of routines designed to increase technical facility in the hands and feet. Included are exercises on finger control, endurance, multiple-note playing, hand-foot combinations and more.
Linear Time Playing
This book from Gary Chaffee contains his continuing exploration of linear time playing. The first section will help students to develop basic linear playing skills, voice coordination, dynamic balance, accenting, and more. The second section deals with the development od time feels in the linear style, including 4/4, half-time, shuffle, and odd meters. Ample space is provided for the student to create his or her own ideas.
Odd Time Stickings
This book is an extension of Gary Chaffee's popular Sticking Patterns. Since the use of different meters has become much more common in contemporary music, the book explores how stickings can be used in a variety of odd meters. It includes a number of sticking phrases for each meter that can then be used to create your own time feel and solo ideas.
Sticking Time, Linear Time, Rhythm and Meter
Sticking Time, Linear Time, Rhythm and Meter is built around Gary Chaffee's innovative teaching concepts, and is the perfect way to reinforce the techniques taught in the Patterns books. Jonathan Mover, a former student of Gary's, makes a special appearance to demonstrate the techniques explained on the DVD in a fabulous solo performance.
Phrasing and Motion
Phrasing and Motion is built around Gary Chaffee's innovative teaching concepts, and is the perfect way to reinforce the techniques taught in the Patterns books. Steve Smith, a former student of Gary's, makes a special appearance to demonstrate the techniques explained on the DVD in a fabulous solo performance